Haka is far more than just a performance; it is a thousand years of history brought to life. These dances are still used today. It is not just for intimidation. This was a way to forge connections between one another, with the Earth and nature. Haka is a community activity, a way to show how your bonds with each other gave you strength that no one could take. It is a way for others to stand with you, to let you know that you are not alone in this battle. Haka is a way to connect with one another. That is why Haka is important. It is a form of community to the Māori people. A way to not only stand but unite one another. That is why the Haka has survived for all these years, it represents the strength of the community, of the Māori people.
This dance is still performed to this day. In fact, the New Zealand national rugby team, All Blacks, performs the haka at their games. It is a way to not only honor the Māori people, their culture, and the land they come from, but also used to strength and unify the team. They have taken this tradition and incorporated into a visual art that people can see and hear. Which serves to help preserve and inform those who watch about the purpose and importance of haka.
